Received State-wide fame in
posting a 9-0 record and outscoring
opponents 384-12 with 8 shutouts.
1st row l to r: David Phoenix, John Crain, John Atchison, David Nichols, Gene Petrea, Jerry Wyatt, Ron O’Neal, Gary Boles.
2nd row l to r: Coach Jim Evers, Bruce Kirkland, Tom Eggers, Bob Guess, Jim Stevenson, Gary Bertges, Charles Warren, Don Bauer, Robert Steptoe, Rod Linder, Ken Coleman, Mike Poninski, Managers Elwyn Ewald, David Ewald.
3rd row l to r: Gary Owensby, Tony Anderson, Dante Biagi, Jim Patrick, Gerald Rahm, Tony Fairchild, Sam Finley, Mike Zibby, Roger Campbell, Wayne Schnake, Gary Smith, Sam Smith, Jim Glasgow, Jerry Hartley.